THE BUSINESS OF ART: 10 Key Elements to Your Success

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a clear way to understand what you need to do to have a successful and sustainable art career?

There is!

Learn how to have more success in your art career and business without sacrificing your artistic vision. Register while this class remains available.

Available for a Limited Time



What We Will Cover

While there are many different ways to be an artist and artists are individual – the great news is - that there ARE common elements that will support any artist to succeed.

These are elements you can keep developing and growing as your career progresses.

Actionable tips designed to help you rethink and reinvigorate your art business.

The 10 Key Elements you need to have in place for a sustainable and successful art career

A breakdown of each element, with an explanation of how and why it is important

How you can strengthen any of these elements to improve your success

What Others Are Saying About This Training:

The information was delivered so clearly. It all makes sense. I feel invigorated with what I can do, thank you.

A great reminder of what's important. I realised how many things I had let slip and some gaps I will now fix.

Informative as always, Amanda.

I love that your masterclasses are so filled with useful and practical tips.

You Will Receive:

  • One hour free training
  • Access to a replay recording
  • Bonus Action Guide

Hey There,

I'm Amanda

I'm excited to share with you this masterclass, and the incredible impact that putting the right elements in place can have on your art life!

With over 25 years of experience as an artist and surrounded by artists with even longer careers, I know that it's not about the latest trends or the most followers, it's more strategic. I have paid attention to what successful artists have in common, especially the artists who sustain their careers and success over the long term.

In this class, I pull back the curtain and share with you 10 Vital Elements to have in place. It's useful information for every artist and you'll receive your own Action Guide after the class so you come away with practical information you can implement.

In This Training You Will Learn:

The specific foundations you need to have in place for a Successful and Sustainable Art Career and Business.

10 Things that Artists consistently do that enable them to have long-term art careers.

Actions you can take for your success, no matter what kind of visual artist you are, or how far along in your career you are.

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